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We're Looking For a Few Good Men

The Northeast Catholic Alumni Association is always looking for people to step up to carry on the legacy of the Falcon men before us by becoming a representative of your class on the Alumni Board of Governors.

The Northeast Catholic Alumni Association was created in 1929. As stated in our history, which can be found on our website, “…The object of this Association shall be to form a more perfect brotherhood, to create fraternalism and good fellowship among the graduates, clergy, and supporters of the Northeast Catholic High School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With this in mind, the Association will remain an active force in keeping the ideals and traditions of Northeast Catholic High School alive. Tenui Nec Dimittam. We have taken hold and will not let go. One of our major aims, as it has been for the past fifty plus years, will be the support of Catholic education.”

Being a class representative on the Alumni Board of Governors is a fulfilling experience. As Salesian Gentlemen, one of our purposes in life is service to others. Being a ‘class rep’ affords us the opportunity to serve our fellow Falcons by bringing us together in a single voice.

Now that the our Alma Mater is closed, the fund provides assistance at the college, high school and grade school levels for children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of our dues paying members.

In the past year, we have added 9 new ‘class reps’ on the Board of Governors, but many spots still remain vacant. So, what are you waiting for? The next step is yours. Reach out to us and request being a representative on the Alumni Board of Governors for your class.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Board of Governors’ Class Representatives.

1. Who can be a class rep?

Any Northeast Catholic graduate who is current with their annual dues.

2. How many class reps make up the Board of Governors?

The Board of Governors is made up of no more than 2 representatives from each graduating class.

3. How much time is required to be a class rep?

The minimum amount of time is attendance at a minimum of 5 meetings per year. Although most members give more of their time serving on the different committees and/or assisting with various events throughout the year.

4. Where and how often does the Board of Governors meet?

The Board of Governors meet on the second Thursday of each month during the school year (September thru June). The meetings are held at the Firefighters Officers’ hall in Bridesburg.

5. Will being a class rep cost me anything?

The only cost associated with being a class rep is the $10 in annual dues, but if you buy/sell Lucky 12 tickets, your dues will be considered paid for the year.

6. If I was a class rep and decided to hold a reunion, what type of support can I count on from the Alumni Association?

The Alumni Association will provide:

a. An up to date class list, including postal addresses, and if we have it, email addresses.

b. Assistance in the logistics of holding a reunion

7. How do I find if my class has a vacancy for my class?

You can find the entire current roster of Board of Governors’ class representatives on our website. Click here

8. How do I become a class rep?

There are several ways to inquire about being your class’ rep:

a. Call the Alumni Office at 215-543-1051

b. Write us at:

Northeast Catholic Alumni Association

PO Box 7005

Philadelphia, PA 19149

c. Send us an email at

d. Contact us through our website here


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