As you all know, Father Neil Kilty OSFS passed away in September after serving as the Alumni Association Chaplain for 24 years. While Father Kilty will be missed, the Association needed to name his successor. With consultations with the officers of the Association, as well as the Oblates, we have selected Rev James E Dalton, OSFS as our next Chaplain. Father Dalton has graciously accepted the responsibility.
Father Dalton is a former president of Northeast Catholic (1982 – 1992) as well as more recently, Principal of Father Judge (2011 – 2017). Prior to his stint as Principal at Father Judge, Father Dalton served as President of Salesianum in Delaware for seven years. In addition to North Catholic, Father Judge and Salesianum, he has also served on the faculty at Newman-Goretti High School.

 Pictured above are (l-r) Rev Jack Kolodziej, OSFS '87, Provincial, Wilmington-Philadelphia Province, Bob Kensil '74, President, Northeast Catholic Alumni Association, Rev James Dalton, OSFS, Chaplain, Northeast Catholic Alumni Association
While Father Dalton is a 1962 graduate of Father Judge, he is a native of Port Richmond, where he attended Nativity BVM until the 6th grade. His family moved to Bensalem where he completed his elementary school education at St Charles Borromeo School. Following his graduation from Judge, he attended Allentown College (now known as De Sales University), where he earned a degree in mathematics. He has also earned master’s degrees in theology, math, and instructional technology.
Fr. Dalton was named an honorary member of the Northeast Catholic Alumni Association while serving during his term at North Catholic.

Father Dalton was introduced to the Association at the December Alumni Board Dinner, where he said a few words and accepted the offer to be our 13th chaplain.